Home [Diary] The goal from today

[Diary] The goal from today

1. The goal

Solving at least 100 problems until 11/11 and passing the coding test ---

2. For this goal

Study schedule

At least 5 algorithm problems everyday (~2021.11.11)

(Don’t sleep before you are done)

Algorithm site

- LeetCode


- HackerRank


- Codility


- Programmers


Good information about coding test

Post : https://m.hanbit.co.kr/channel/category/category_view.html?cms_code=CMS7793635735

The most frequently asked problem in the coding test

  • Greedy
  • Implementation
  • BFS/DFS (Breadth-First Search/ Depth-First Search)
  • BS (Brute-force Search = Exhaustive Search)

I saw a blog post someone wrote that if you prepare coding test, you have to solve at least 10 questions at each coding site, because every company give us the different site.

I’m gonna do it first! Well begun is half done. Let’s challenge!

I’ll make miracle in the world.

Cheer up, yuha🌈

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

[Algorithm] Dynamic programming

[Algorithm] Queue1

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