Home [Data Sturcture] HashSet vs HashMap vs LinkedHashMap

[Data Sturcture] HashSet vs HashMap vs LinkedHashMap

HashSet πŸ†š HashMap

πŸ“Œ Let’s compare

Β HashSetHashMap
ImplementsSet InterfaceMap Interface
Duplicate elementsNoKey : No
Values : Yes
Null elementsOnly oneKey : Only one
Values: multiple
Insertion methodadd(Object)put(Key, Value)
Advantage- There are no duplicate elements in HashSet- It’s faster than HashSet

The source : https://javaconceptoftheday.com/differences-between-hashmap-vs-hashset-in-java/

πŸ“Œ Methods in Java


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The source : https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/HashSet.html


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The source : https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/HashMap.html

HashMap πŸ†š LinkedHashMap

πŸ“Œ Let’s compare

  • LinkedHashMap ; the keys are ordered when put
  • HashMap : the keys are not ordered when put

The source : https://fruitdev.tistory.com/141

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