Home [Diary] First post

[Diary] First post

The purpose of this blog

Hi, I’m yuha jo👋🏻 This is my first content on this blog.

Honestly, I’ve wanted to make a blog for a long time. But I didn’t have enough time to choose blog design, consider layout, learn how to post if it’s a github blog. Because I was super super busy for doing develop projects and preparing japanese interview, learning english conversation, bluh bluh bluh….. (I did my best til now and also will do my best from now on, because I don’t want to regret on my precious days later) Today is a historic and honored day that I finally did what I want!

Btw, the reason why I make a blog is..

1️⃣ to share what I studied about developing 
   (ex. algorithm, design pattern, etc)

2️⃣ to record my precious moment 
   (ex. diary)

I’m quite excited and curious about what I’ll record afterwards.

I felt that it’s quite difficult to make and post a github blog or use markdown lang while doing first, but it was nothing when I look back hh. Yes, you don’t know exactly and you can’t be sure before you actually try it.

Let's do my best everyday
Make every single moment meaningful
Look beyond what you see
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.


[Algorithm] Greedy algorithm

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