Home [AWS Solution Architect] VPC Endpoints

[AWS Solution Architect] VPC Endpoints

VPC Endpoints

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  • you have an EC2 instance, and you want to get something from your s3 bucket. so you normally do is use the AWS SDK and you would make that call, and it would go out of your IGW to the internet and back into the AWS network to get that file or object out of s3. SOo, it wouldn’t be more convenient if we could just keep the traffic within the AWS network. That is the purpose of a VPC endpoint. It helps you keep traffic within the AWS network.

The idea

  • because it does not leave a network, not required a public IP address to communicate with these services. to get to s3, we can now eliminate the need for an internet gateway and keep everything private.


  • Interface Endpoint
  • Gateway Endpoint

Interface Endpoints

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Gateway Endpoint

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  • elastic
  • provision : supply, 供給, 공급

The copyright of all material here is on the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia-UEYYR44s This post is just for studying AWS SAA.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

[AWS Solution Architect] VPC

[AWS Solution Architect] VPC Flow Logs

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