Home [Development] HTTP Status Code

[Development] HTTP Status Code



Common HTTP Status Codes

Status CodeMeaning
200 OKthe HTTP request was successfully carried out
201 Createdthe PUT, POST request was successfully carried out
204 No Contentthe request was successfully carried out and nothing to return
301 Moved Permanentlythe data requested from the client cannot be found
under the given address
since it has been moved permanently.
302 Moved Temporarilythe requested data has temporarily been moved.
the remaining information is specified so that an automatic redirection can take place.
The old address remains valid.
400 Bad Requestthe server cannot or will not process the request due to something like invalid request message
401 Unauthorizedwhen authentication is required
but has failed or not been provided.
403 Forbiddenthe client that the requested data is access-protected
and that the request cannot be performed
due to the client not having authority.
404 Not Foundthe requested website information was not found
on the server
409 Conflictthe request could not be processed because of conflict in the request
500 Internal Server Error-
502 Bad Gatewaysomething is wrong with your settings

more info : https://restfulapi.net/http-status-codes/

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[Development] CI / CD

[Development] Swagger

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