Home [AWS Solution Architect] Additional Info

[AWS Solution Architect] Additional Info

CloudWatch alarm

  • automated recovery of EC2 instance
  • automatically stop / terminate / reboot / recover your EC2 instances.
    • stop or terminate actions
      help you save money when you need longer an instance to be running.
    • reboot and recover actions
      automatically reboot those instance or recover them onto new hardware if a system impairment occurs like hardware failure.

CloudWatch VS CloudWatch Agent

  • CloudWatch
    tracks CPU, Network, Disk usage
  • CloudWatch Agent
    tracks Memory, disk swap, disk space utilization


  • monitor API calls and actions
  • governance, compliance, operational auditing, risk auditing logs calls between AWS services.
  • turn on by default when you create your account
  • but If you need more than 90 days, you need to create additional trail.
  • CloudTrail can be set to deliver events to a CloudWatch log
  • Trails are output to S3
    • don’t have GUI like event history
  • To analyze a Trail, need Athena
  • Management Events VS Data Events
    • Management Events
      • turned on by default
      • Tracks management operations ex) AttachRolePolicy
    • Data Events
      • turned off by defual
      • Tracks specific operations for specific AWS services ex) GetObject, PutObject, DeleteObject..

Elastic Beanstalk

  • an easy-to-use service for deploying and scaling web applications and services
    • developed with Java, . NET, PHP, Node. js, Python, Ruby, Go, and Docker on familiar servers such as Apache, Nginx, Passenger, and IIS.
  • Auto Scaling
  • monitoring application
  • free. pay only for AWS resources


  • support also Oracle (DynamoDB does not support Oracle)
  • always comfirms to the ACID system (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability)


  • not serverless

FSx for Windows File Server

  • using Active Directory
  • files need to be shared internally
    • have access to files via Microsoft Windows platform
  • Keep the expense to a minimum : cost = 0
  • Request Pays on a S3 bucket
    making data available for third parties (the broader community)

VPC endpoint

  • within the same region

Lambda resource policy

Kinesis Data Stream

  • real-time

  • EBS is not a target of Firehose (S3 is)
  • Kinesis Data Stream + Firehose + S3
  • Lambda is not efficient for huge real-time data


  • a fully managed, multi-Region, multi-active DB that delivers reliable performance at any scale
  • scalable, available,

DynamaDB Streams

  • provide audit logging and monitoring using CloudTrail (Database auditing)


  • not DB

  • refactoring & replatforming

    • not minimize modifications

Security groups VS Network ACL

  • security group
    • stateful : only inbound rule is okay
    • for instance
    • can’t deny (all is denid by default)
  • Network ACL
    • stateless : need both inbound and outbound rule
    • for VPC subnet
    • can deny
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[AWS Solution Architect] Storage Gateway

[AWS Solution Architect] Contents & I finally got pass!

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