
[Data Sturcture] Heap

Heap πŸ“Œ What is heap? 1️⃣ A Heap is a special Tree-based data structure in which the tree is a complete binary tree. 2️⃣ All the nodes of the heap are arranged in a specific order. In Java, Pri...

[Algorithm] Heap

Heap In Java, PriorityQueue can be used as a Heap. Detail Task 더 맡게 in Programmers (Level 2) πŸ“Œ Problem https://programmers.co.kr/learn/courses/30/lessons/42626 πŸ“Œ The point Use PriorityQu...

[Algorithm] Hash2

Hash HashMap<Key, Value> Task 2. μœ„μž₯ in Programmers (Level 2) πŸ“Œ Problem https://programmers.co.kr/learn/courses/30/lessons/42578 πŸ“Œ The point Use number of cases ex. If {hat...

[Algorithm] Hash

Hash HashMap(Key, Value) Task μ „ν™”λ²ˆν˜Έ λͺ©λ‘ in Programmers (Level 2) πŸ“Œ Problem https://programmers.co.kr/learn/courses/30/lessons/42577 πŸ“Œ Answer 1. Use HashMap The point HashMap.containsKey(Str...

[Algorithm] Sort2

Sort Task 2. H-Index in Programmers (Level 2) πŸ“Œ Problem https://programmers.co.kr/learn/courses/30/lessons/42747 πŸ“Œ Answer 1. Use Arrays.sort() import java.util.Arrays; class Solution { p...