
[AWS Solution Architect] EBS (Elastic Block Store)

EBS (Elastic Block Store) free tier : almost EBS (root device) Volumes always exists in the same AZ as the instance. Instance와 비독립적 -> Instance에서 EBS Volume을 분리 + 다른 Instance와 연결 사용 가능 (...

[AWS Solution Architect] CloudFormation

Cloud Formation by AWS The copyright of all material here is on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia-UEYYR44s This post is just for studying AWS SAA.

[AWS Solution Architect] EC2 Pricing

EC2 Pricing Discount All Upfront > Partial Upfront > No Upfront All Upfront Pay full amount for the reservation term in one single paymen...

[AWS Solution Architect] AMI (Amazon Machine Image)

Amazon Machine Image (AMI) by AWS CloudFormation https://uzzing.github.io/posts/CloudFormation/ The copyright of all material here is on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v...

[AWS Solution Architect] EC2

EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud a highly configurable server resizable compute capacity Functions Instance AML (Amazon Machine Image) Instance types Key pair Instance store volume ...